Concepts of Nanochemistry

This new textbook, published by Wiley-VCH, complements “Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials” by providing a new conceptual framework for learning, teaching and researching Nanochemistry. No matter who you are,  a chemist, physicist, biologist, material scientist, engineer, or even business man or lawyer, as long as you want to know what Nanochemistry is, from a conceptual point of view, look no further!!!

If you are a professor, this book will give all you need to teach Nanochemistry at an undergraduate level through a cross-disciplinary approach. All figures are ready for use as powerpoint slides!

If you are a student, this book will give you the first conceptual framework to really understand Nanochemistry and the connections between its many aspects, without using formulas or jargon.

If you are a researcher, this book will give you a broad-spectrum view of nanochemistry as a field, an invaluable help, especially for a novice.

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